Where Do I Start?
Picking up a camera for the first time may be a daunting task, however a creative endeavour should be more joy and excitement above everything else. Let us chat about a few things to keep in mind to achieve those results.
“ The Best Camera Is The One You Have On You ”
(True creative)

Be Creative
To enhance your creativity, embrace curiosity and constantly seek new knowledge as well as ways of thinking about something. Step out of your comfort zone, embracing diverse experiences and perspectives. Ponder over the story an image emits rather than the contents. View failure as an opportunity for growth. Surround yourself with inspirational stimuli, Look at others content and see wha inspires you. Collaborate with others.
NB: Welcoming feedback and diverse insights. Above all, persist and persevere, knowing that creativity is a unique journey that evolves with time and effort.

LIGHT Is Everything
Pay attention to lighting: Light plays a crucial role in photography. Learn to observe and utilize different types of lighting, such as natural light, golden hour, or artificial lighting. Understand how light affects your subjects and experiment with different lighting techniques.
It can be as simple as holding up your hand to identify how the light is falling on your environment
Light is one of the most essential elements in photography. To make the most of it, consider the direction, quality, and intensity of light.
Understanding and harnessing light can add depth, drama, and mood to your photographs, elevating the overall impact and visual storytelling of your images.
Capture Candid Memories
Emotion & Authenticity
While posed shots are important, candid moments often carry a lot of emotion and authenticity. Keep your camera ready to capture those spontaneous and heartfelt moments throughout your day, don't be afraid to take your camera with you as you go through out your day and time spent with friends.
Being creative for yourself first is the key to becoming a true creative for others.
Learn and apply principles of Composition
Study and practice fundamental composition techniques like the rule of thirds, leading lines, and framing.
This technique helps draw the viewer's eye to the focal points and adds a sense of dynamism and harmony to your photographs. Experiment with this rule while also keeping in mind that rules are meant to be broken creatively when the situation calls for it.
Know Your Camera
Take the time to thoroughly understand your camera's settings, functions, and capabilities. Read the manual, experiment with different settings, and practice using them in various situations.
Truly knowing what you can accomplish with the tool in your hand is by using it, through repletion it will become natural and you will be able to use it with less thought and more creativity.